Toned and Sculpted Outer and Inner Thighs – The Best 12-Minute Fat Burn Home Workout

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The best 12-minute fat burn home workout to get toned, and sculpted outer and inner thighs. Lose inches around your waist and feel more confident!
Toned and Sculpted Outer and Inner Thighs - The Best 12-Minute Fat Burn Home Workout 12

Many people mistakenly believe that they can only achieve the desired results if they train at the gym, which is why they give up the idea of ​​practicing certain physical activities at home (see why I chose to train at home).

In reality, there are many exercises for toning your thighs that you can perform at home easily and quickly. There is no need to invest large sums of money in various expensive devices.

The muscles of the inner thighs are harder to work and not every exercise you do will have an impact on this area. That is why it is preferable to resort to a few movements that aim exactly at the inner thighs and do them as often as possible.

Once you learn how to do these exercises and get into your daily routine, it will be easy for you to do this workout while watching TV.

I recommend that you combine several exercises in a workout that you constantly adapt to your endurance and skills, to get the best results.

Find out below the best and most effective 12-minute no-equipment fat burn home workout for outer and inner thighs for women that will help you sculpt and tone your thighs in no time if you practice it. 2-3 times a week.

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To prevent possible injuries, don’t forget to warm up at least 5-10 minutes before start training.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to inner thighs fat burn, this workout is for you! This 12-minute fat-burning workout will tone your outer and inner thighs.

Let’s begin:

12 exercises

45 seconds execution for each exercise

15 seconds rest between.

The 12 exercises for outer and inner thighs are:

1)    Sumo Squat Pulses

2)    Squat + Side Leg Raise (right foot)

3)    Squat + Side Leg Raise (left foot)

4)    In and Out Squat Jumps

5)    Side Lunges

6)    Bridge Raises

7)    Inner Thigh Pulse (right foot)

8)    Inner Thigh Pulse (left foot)

9)    Curtsy Lunge

10)  Rainbow Leg Lift (right foot)

11)  Rainbow Leg Lift (left foot)

12)  Leg Split

1. Sumo Squat Pulses

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I love this exercise because it’s easy and can be done anywhere. It’s a great way to get your heart rate up while toning your inner thighs.

This exercise targets the adductors, which are muscles that help stabilize the knee joint. Stronger adductors can help prevent knee injuries by increasing stability around the joint.

How to do it:

•      Begin in a wide stance with toes out at a comfortable angle. Your knees will need to stay aligned with your toes, so don’t go out too far.

•      Bend the knees and lower down into a squat, keeping knees in line with toes, abs contracted, and back straight.

•      Only go down as low as you can without compromising your flexibility, and on this point pulse for 3 times. 

•      Push back to start without locking the knees.

2. Squat + Side Leg Raise (right foot)

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The squat + side leg raise is a great exercise for developing the outer and inner thighs. It’s also a great way to improve your overall balance, coordination, and flexibility.

This exercise is easy to learn, but it can take some practice before you get it right. Once you master it, however, you’ll have an excellent tool that will help you develop strong legs, hips, and glutes.

How to do it:

•      Stay tall, the feet are shoulders width apart, the chest is lifted.

•      As you squat down, you’re going to maintain that nice position with your squat, don’t let your chest lean forward, and make sure you’re sitting back on your heels.

•      So, squat down, as you come up you’re going to lift to one side and squat back down.

•      That’s one rep.

3. Squat + Side Leg Raise (left foot)

How to do it:

The same as at point 2, only switch the leg you’re lifting.

4. In and Out Squat Jumps

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The In and Out Squat Jump is a great exercise for your legs, especially the outer and inner thighs. The squat jump will help you tone those areas faster than other exercises.

Squat Jumps are a plyometric exercise that builds power, speed, and quickness. They are also a great way for fat burn and improve overall fitness levels

Please believe me when I tell you that you will feel the burn! This exercise will tone your lower body in no time and will burn a lot of calories. 

How to do it:

•      Starting position: Position your legs wider than your shoulder-width and maintain the back straight. 

•      From the starting position squat down, and when your butt is parallel with the floor, jump up, and then bring your feet together by tapping them.

•      Then return to your squat position and repeat.

5. Side Lunges

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Side lunges are a variation of the traditional lunge that focuses on the muscles in the outer thigh area. They are a great way to build muscle, increase flexibility, and burn fat all at the same time!

Side lunges help build muscle mass in both the outer thigh muscles (Vastus Lateralis) as well as the hip flexor muscles, and also help improve balance and coordination.

How to do it:

•      Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

•      Keep your core tight.

•      Keep your toes facing forward.

•      Move your right leg to the side.

•      Lower your body while keeping your left leg straight.

•      Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.

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6. Bridge Raises

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How to do it:

•      Lie down on your back with your legs bent at the knees and your feet close to your butt, hip-width apart.

•      Put a towel or a pillow between your knees.

•      After that, lift your hips off the floor, hold at the top for 3-4 seconds, and lower back to the initial position.

•      When you raise your hips, don’t forget to squeeze the towel or the pillow you have between your knees as high as you can.

•      Your body should form a straight line from the knees up.

7. Inner Thighs Pulse (right foot)

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Photo Source: Shape Magazine

The inner thighs are the hardest to reduce fat in because they are so close to the body. If you are overweight and need to lose weight fast, your inner thighs may be one of the first places you notice the extra weight.

Inner Thighs Pulse is one of the most effective home-based inner thighs fat burn exercises.

How to do it:

•      Lie on your right side, elbow supporting your torso up.

•      Cross your left leg over your right, planting it in front.

•      Work your inner thigh to lift your right leg up and down without dropping it to the floor.

•      Continue to pulse your right leg until the end of the 45 seconds.

I can guarantee that you will feel the burn in the inner thigh.

8. Inner Thigh Pulse (left foot)

How to do it:

•      Lie on your left side, elbow supporting your torso up.

•      Cross your right leg over your right, planting it in front.

•      Work your inner thigh to lift your left leg up and down without dropping it to the floor.

•      Continue to pulse your left leg until the end of the 45 seconds.

9. Curtsy Lunge

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How to do it:

•      Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and let your arms fall at your sides.

•      Draw a semicircle with your right foot, moving it clockwise until it crosses behind your left foot. Keep your right toe tucked and clasp your hands together at your heart.

•      Lunge down as deeply as possible, hovering your knee a couple of inches off the floor.

•      Slowly return to the standing curtsy position.

•      Repeat the lunge on the other side.

10. Rainbow Leg Lift (right foot)

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GIF Source: Pvolve

From my point of view, this is one of the best, if not the best inner thigh toning move

The Rainbow leg lift is a variation of the basic leg lift with a slight twist. This helps in targeting the outer thigh muscles more effectively and thus helps you lose fat faster.

The leg lift targets your outer thigh muscles, including the gluteus medius (which helps stabilize your hip) and the Tensor Fasciae Latae (which helps rotate your hip). These two muscles are often overlooked in workouts but are essential for the stability and flexibility of the hips, knees, and ankles.

How to do it:

•      Common onto the ground, and then place yourself on your all fours.

•      Right leg straight, extend it to the side, then draw a half-circle to bring it to the opposite side as far as possible.

•      Focus on using your inner thigh for the movement.

•      Continue on this side until the end of the 45 seconds.

11. Rainbow Leg Lift (left foot)

How to do it:

•      Common onto the ground, and then place yourself on your all fours.

•      Left leg straight, extend it to the side, then draw a half-circle to bring it to the opposite side as far as possible.

•      Focus on using your inner thigh for the movement.

•      Continue on this side until the end of the 45 seconds.

12. Leg Split

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Photo Source: POPSUGAR

You might have heard that leg splits are the best exercise to get rid of inner thigh fat.

Leg Split is a great way to burn fat in your inner thighs and buttocks. The exercise will also tone your muscles and make them firmer.

How to do it:

•      Lie on your back with your legs up towards the ceiling.

•      Keep them straight and slowly split them to the side as much as possible and bring them back together again.

•      Everyone’s flexibility is different, so don’t worry about how wide your split is.

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As you can see, there are many exercises for toning the thighs (both inner and outer) that you can practice at home. Therefore, give up the excuse that you don’t have time to go to the gym and dedicate at least a few minutes a day to this simple home workout.

You will discover on your own how many wonderful benefits these inner and outer thigh exercises offer to your muscles.

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Toned and Sculpted Outer and Inner Thighs The Best 12 Minute Fat Burn Home Workout
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