Naturist Remedies from our Great Grandparents

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Although it is claimed that only the uneducated man resorts to old ways, we must recognize that the well-informed and documented people resort to natural treatment, and that’s because herbal remedies have no side effects.
Naturist Remedies from our Great Grandparents 3

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for the modern man to return to nature and for the gifts that she can offer in terms of health.

Natural recipes are the fruit of dozens of generations who have experimented, enriched, or simplified them, discovering numerous therapeutic valences. 

Although it is claimed that only the uneducated man resorts to old ways, we must recognize that the well-informed and documented people resort to natural treatment, and that’s because herbal remedies have no side effects.

We can imagine the huge losses would record the largest drug industry in the world, valued at hundreds of billions of dollars annually if it were to be put on the market, say, medicines to completely cure hypertension or cancer.

The fact that there is an alternative, which gives man the choice today, to decide for himself is very good given that the confidence in the doctors is quite low, the costs of the drugs are extremely high and the medical act itself leaves much to be desired.

Remedies against cold, cough, sinusitis

Garlic Syrup: 

  • A glass of crushed garlic is mixed with dark honey, placed on low heat, in an enameled saucepan, and mixed periodically to prevent it from burning in the bottom.
  • When the garlic dissolves well in the syrup, cover with a lid and leave it for a few minutes on the fire, then squeeze it when it’s still hot.
  • Store it in the refrigerator.

Use: adults are given one tablespoon and a teaspoon for children. The syrup is held as far as possible in the mouth before being swallowed.

Remedies against hair loss

  • Put in a bottle, celandine root, and pour plum brandy over it.
  • Leave it for a week to soak and then brush your head with the macerate.
  • The skinhead is rubbed well two or three times a day and then the macerate is applied.
  • Rub thoroughly the skin of the head with burdock tea.

Remedies for the removal of gall and liver stones

  • In 2 l of white wine put 500 g of honey and 500 g of chopped green lovage to macerate.
  • Allow it to stand at room temperature for 7 days, during which it has to be shaken several times a day.
  • After this time, squeeze it and drink a 50 ml glass of macerate after eating.

Drink three times a day until the prepared quantity is finished. Treatment can be done twice a year at six months.

Remedies for the treatment of liver diseases

  • Take a mullet root and flower and chop it off.
  • To one liter of water, put two tablespoons of chopped dry herb and boil it until the liquid drops to half.
  • Drink 100 ml of unsweetened maceration every morning, on empty stomach, and then sit on the right side for half an hour. The maceration should be at room temperature.

Remedies for the treatment of stomach and liver diseases

  • Put in herbal tea 2-3 drops of yellowish, fresh sap, drained from the broken celandine. Drink two cups of tea a day in the morning and the evening. The celandine is toxic if used in large quantities, so do not exceed the amount of 5-6 drops a day.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of crushed garlic with 2 tablespoons of ground poppy seeds. Grease the composition obtained on a piece of toasted bread. Eat three times a day a slice of bread thus prepared.

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Remedies for gastritis

  • One kilogram of parsley root is boiled in two liters of water until it drops to half.
  • We divide the tea into 7 servings.
  • Drink it in the morning, 10 minutes away. The liquid has to be at room temperature.

Remedies for constipation

  • Make a mixture of oil and sour cabbage, in equal quantity. Drink a glass in the morning, on the empty stomach.
  • Eat a chopped sour cabbage sprinkled with oil.
  • Drink a couple of times a day an infusion of a cloth.

Remedies for diarrhea

  • Tea from the skin removed from the core of the new walnuts. Excellent!.
  • Tea from quince leaves and seeds.
  • Tea from peach leaves and seeds.
  • Boiled rice, along with its juice, sweetened and mixed with yogurt. It helps a lot, especially babies.
  • Eat blueberries.

Remedies for the treatment of wounds and burns

  • Put on the burning, raw chopped potato.
  • Change the potato as it warms up.
  • The potato should be as cold as possible to relieve the burning pain.
  • Break the balls made by the burn with a needle in the fire and wash the burnt place with chamomile infusion.

For the elimination of toxins in the body

  • The boiling of plants made of the horse’s tail plant.
  • Dried and crumbled, the plant is prepared as a regular tea and is drunk over the day, instead of water.

To remove dandruff

  • If you want to get rid of dandruff, you have to brush yourself with a comb soaked in water mixed with apple vinegar or lemon juice.

For toothache

  • It is kept in the mouth, on the tooth side that hurts, a concentrate infusion of cloves and anise.

For the treatment of ear pain

  • Pour in a few drops of cabbage juice twice a day.

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Last Thoughts:

Remember, though, that these remedies may not work for everyone. Just like our bodies are unique in their way, there can be a lot of variation in how we respond to different treatments.

Everyone’s different. That’s part of the reason why it’s so important to have a doctor you can trust so that he or she can tailor your treatment to your particular needs. So if these remedies sound interesting to you, why not give them a try?

They’ve been passed down from generation to generation and improved on over time, after all. But whatever you do, please be careful! If you’re currently taking prescription medication, keep taking it unless your doctor says otherwise.

If you have an open wound or are dealing with another medical condition, also consult with a doctor first before applying any of these remedies, some of them might not be safe for people with certain conditions.

Finally, don’t apply anything directly to the skin without diluting it first.

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naturist remedies from our great grandparents
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