omelet with baby spinach and parmesan breakfast f

Omelet with Baby Spinach and Parmesan, Breakfast for Healthy People

Knowing the properties of spinach and its vitamin content, I have prepared a recipe for an omelet with spinach and Parmesan perfect for breakfast, which will successfully introduce children to the wonderful world of vegetables.

low carbs delicious chicken breast with spinach onion garlic and turmeric 1

Low-Carbs Delicious Chicken Breast with Spinach, Onion, Garlic, and Turmeric

High protein content, low carb, and low-calorie content make this recipe ideal for weight loss. Chicken breast with spinach can be served as such, with rice, potatoes, couscous, or vegetables.

a tasty autumn recipe chicken with apples at the oven

A Tasty Autumn Recipe: Chicken with Apples at the Oven

The golden rule of healthy eating is to eat plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. And because apples are among the most delicious fruits of autumn, you can try this tasty recipe for chicken with apples!

the most efficient diet with fruits and vegetables lose 7 kg in 15 days 1

The Most Efficient Diet with Fruits and Vegetables: Lose 7 KG in 15 Days

Hi guys, today I want to tell you a little about fruit and vegetables diets and their effects on the body and finally, I want to recommend one, which is very effective!!!