30 days challenge for flat and toned abs

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I thought I'd throw the glove on for another challenge, which I'm sure will be interesting for everyone, especially as summer approaches: the Challenge of 30 days for flat and toned abs.
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Hi everyone, in today’s article I want to continue with the series of challenges. After the success of the 8 Weeks Running Challenge for Beginners, The 30-Day Challenge for Round and Toned Booty and the 2020 Full Body 8 Weeks Summer Shredding Challenge Schedule, I thought I’d throw the glove on for another challenge, which I’m sure will be interesting for everyone, especially as summer approaches: the Challenge of 30 days for flat and toned abs.

If at the moment you think that getting flat and toned abs is a distant plan and perhaps even unattainable, I would like to contradict you. Not only can you rely on a diet to help you with this, but you also don’t need more than a month to achieve spectacular results.

I will not lie to you, however, there will be no peace of a cake. For 30 days, you will have to put aside the laziness and the pretexts and give a little interest, especially since it will take only a few minutes/ day, of your time.

The main ingredient of weight loss is an iron will, so activate yours and work for what you want!

Today, I come up with a proposal for you, this is a program consisting of a single exercise that you do for 30 days to get rid of your belly fat, and take pride in a new look in a short time.

The Plank

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Planks are great for your core, which you probably already know. Planks are also great for working your upper body — specifically, your shoulders, but also your lower body: your legs, hamstrings, and butt, if you’re doing them right

To include the workout in your daily routine you do not need anything special, such as equipment or various auxiliary items.


• Your body will be stronger

• Body posture will be improved

• Metabolism is stimulated

• Work on several categories of muscles

• Strengthens the muscles around the spine

• It helps you get rid of back pain.

Let’s see now how we execute the plank.

How to do it:

•    Begin on your hands and knees. Align your wrists directly under your shoulders, and your knees under your hips.

•    Lower your elbows to the floor directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your forearms parallel to each other.

•    Rest your palms on the ground flatly.

•    Tuck your toes and step back with your feet, bringing your body and head into a straight line. Align your heels over your toes.

•    Keep your head in line with your spine and look between your hands.

•    Firm your shoulder blades into your back.

•    Keep your whole body in a straight line.

•    Hold the pose while breathing smoothly for a couple of breaths.

The best part is that you don’t even have to move, plank being an isometric exercise.

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And now let’s look at the 30-day program

The 30-day Plank Program for Flat and Toned Abs

The idea is to hold this position for a certain period.

And here comes the program I told you about. We will start with a shorter interval, on the first day, and gradually increase it. The idea is to evolve.

Day 1: 20 sec

Day 2: 20 sec

Day 3: 30 sec

Day 4: 30 sec

Day 5:40 sec

Day 6: Pause

Day 7:45 sec

Day 8:45 sec

Day 9: 60 sec

Day 10: 60 sec

Day 11: 60 sec

Day 12: 90 sec

Day 13: Pause

Day 14: 90 sec

Day 15: 90 sec

Day 16: 120 sec

Day 17: 120 sec

Day 18: 150 sec

Day 19: Pause

Day 20: 150 sec

Day 21: 150 sec

Day 22: 180 sec

Day 23: 180 sec

Day 24: 210 sec

Day 25: 210 sec

Day 26: Pause

Day 27: 240 sec

Day 28: 240 sec

Day 29: 270 sec

Day 30: Hold the position for as long as you can, but at least 300 sec, that is 5 min.

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Although it seems easy, the plank is not easy to execute once you get started. If you have no strength in your arms and have not practiced sports for a long time, you will quickly find that this exercise is a real challenge for you. It is important to start this experiment and do the exercise daily.

As you can see, training becomes more and more difficult with each passing day. The most important idea, however, of this program is consistency. The most important thing is to hold on to it.

In just 30 days, this exercise for the abdomen can give you the long-awaited look. What do you say, do you accept the challenge? I am waiting for you to tell me in the comments about the results you have obtained! 🙂

Try in parallel this Meal Plan for flat and toned abs.

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