The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss

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Weight loss is a journey, not a destination. Use these 10 key principles to make healthy habits that last.
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Weight loss has become a constant on the shortlist of wishes of many people, women and men alike. However, there is still a lot of confusion and preconceived ideas regarding the subject. In this context, revealing the key principles in terms of weight loss is more than necessary.

If you are looking for healthy weight loss then don’t hesitate! This website will give you helpful information. No matter what your current weight is, this article is perfect for you.

Want to know how to lose weight and keep it off? Weight loss should be a lifestyle change, not a diet. When you make changes here, you can see results there. We’ll give you everything you need for a successful weight loss.

Excess pounds prevent you from wearing the clothes you like and burden you as you only know how to walk through life. You have repeatedly tried to take action, but the results were either delayed or short-lived. Why? Most likely you were wrong somewhere.

To avoid having any such discouraging experiences, in today’s article, you will find the 10 key principles that underlie the weight loss process, and then guide you when you want a successful weight loss diet and to shed the extra pounds.

1. Lose fat, not muscle mass

Have you been looking for a fast way to lose weight? Many people have successfully lost fat, not muscle mass.
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 11

The “wonder” diets that promise spectacular pounds loss in record time make you lose a lot of water and muscle mass. The lost pounds easily return as quickly as you do not lose weight healthily.

To lose weight healthy means to lose a total of 1 to 2 kg per week, of which at least half (0.5-1 kg) is fat.

So you want to lose weight, but you don’t want to lose any muscle. Good call. We all know that muscle is metabolically active tissue and the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate is and the more calories you burn each day.

Another benefit of having a higher amount of lean muscle mass is that it creates an athletic, fit look.

The problem is that many people are under the impression that if they cut calories, they will lose weight and that’s it. The problem with this assumption is that when you cut calories too much your body starts to use protein from your muscles as an energy source instead of fat.

This leads to a loss in muscle mass and slows down your metabolism even more than when you started dieting.

2. Create a calorie deficit using weight balance

The notion of weight balance or energy balance is simple. Your body uses and stores energy (calories) the same way a car stores and uses gasoline.

For example, if you fill your car tank with 50 liters and use 20 liters, the remaining 30 liters remain stored. The same thing happens if you eat more calories than your daily requirement.

So, if you eat, drink or snack, for example, 2200 calories a day, and your body will only use 1400, the remaining 800 calories will be stored as excess calories, in the form of fat.

On the contrary, if you ingest 1400 calories a day and your body spends 2200, you will create a calorie deficit. Your body will get the 800 calories it needs from fat stores.

Remember to lose weight only if you create a calorie deficit.

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3. Respect the way your body is programmed to burn calories

From this principle derives all those diets that tell you not to eat in the evening after a certain hour (a pointless exaggeration if you’re stuffing all day), because your body is programmed to burn calories as in a reverse pyramid:

• In the first part of the day, the burns are 100%

• 50-75% in the afternoon

• After 6 pm under 25%.

When you eat a meal, the main thing your body needs to figure out is how many calories are in it. It does this by sending signals that communicate fullness to the brain, and the brain tells you when to stop eating.

Think please at this scenario: I’ve been watching what I eat and exercising regularly, but I still don’t seem to be losing weight. What am I doing wrong?

You may be doing nothing wrong. Your body may be programmed to burn fewer calories than you think.

The standard advice on calorie-counting is to multiply weight in pounds by 13 for sedentary people, 15 or 16 for moderately active people, and 18 for very active people.

This is how many calories a day you’d need to eat just to maintain your current weight. To lose a pound a week you need to cut 500 calories a day from that total.

If you believe the standard advice and do burn as many calories as it says but is still not losing weight, there are three possibilities:

1 You’re eating more than the standard advice tells you to eat.

2 You’re burning fewer calories than the standard advice tells you to burn.

3 The standard advice is wrong for you.

I think most people would guess that

4. Fixed meal program – One of the most important keys to weight loss

Three Meals a day diet plan to lose weight. The high protein and reduced carb meal program involves eating 3 main meals to create effective fat loss.
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 12

For a progressive, but permanent weight loss, it is important not to skip meals and strive to eat at fixed hours, ideally at an interval of 3-4 hours. When you eat chaotically, the risk of fattening is high.

The body does not know when it will receive food and, on the first occasion when it is offered, makes reservations. More about the importance of the 3 main meals of the day HERE

You might think that eating the same meal over and over would get boring, but humans are good at adapting to new routines. After a while, you’ll find yourself looking forward to your meals as familiar events rather than dreading them as another chore to accomplish in the day.

A fixed meal program has other advantages:

You can learn to cook only three meals well rather than learning lots of different recipes.

Shopping for groceries is easier because you don’t have to decide what to buy each week; you just need enough of what you normally buy.

Another advantage of eating the same three meals every day is that it gives you a sense of control.

5. The diet you follow when you want to lose weight must be rich in quality nutrients

Healthy nutrients are the key elements to weight loss success. Get your hands on some 100% natural healthy nutrients.
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 13

Don’t go on a fad diet. If you want to lose weight, you should follow a healthy diet, which does not mean that you must cut out all the foods you love or starve yourself for months. A healthy diet should be balanced and nutritious.

Don’t drink your calories. It is important to limit the consumption of soft drinks, juices, smoothies, and other calorie-filled drinks as much as possible if you want to lose weight effectively and keep it off in the long run.

You should aim to eat at least five servings of vegetables per day. Vegetables are naturally low in calories, but they provide the fiber that helps you feel full between meals. Some vegetables also supply essential vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy during weight loss.

Aim for a variety of colors as well – dark greens like spinach or kale will give you vitamin K while orange carrots will provide vitamin A.

Eat slowly and mindfully. Eating slowly helps to control hunger hormones, which allows you to stop eating when you are full, thus helping to prevent overeating.

Eat more protein at breakfast. Eating more protein at breakfast may be an effective way to improve your daily intake of this nutrient without increasing your overall calorie intake too much.

Reducing the amount of food and implicitly the calories is not enough: the quality of the food also matters., meaning what you eat. 

Therefore, even if you are in a weight loss diet, your attention should be directed to vegetables, fruits in moderate quantities, lean meat, fish, eggs.

Cooked vegetables, but especially raw vegetables, are rich in minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber, so take advantage of the season and enjoy all kinds of salads and combinations.

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6. Few fats, but quality healthy fats can help you lose weight

The best fat for weight loss is monounsaturated fat. Healthy fats can help you burn excess fat and have an easier time losing weight.
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Excluding fats from eating in the desire to lose weight is one of the most serious mistakes.

Lipids are essential for cell activity and resistance, provide absorption and transport of fat-soluble vitamins ( AD, E, and K), and modulate neuroendocrine balance.

More than that, fats, and here we refer to those of good quality, known as Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9, not only do not endanger the figure but, on the contrary, I can help you you redefine it.

Healthy fats have many health benefits; they are good for your heart, help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also promote healthy skin and hair, support a healthy immune system, support brain health, and cognitive function, help keep bones strong and even aid in weight loss.

Fat is not the enemy. Eating fat does not make you fat. Sugar does.

Healthy fats can help you lose weight, especially the natural, monounsaturated fats found in avocados, olives, raw nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil & coconut oil as well as organic eggs/butter from pasture-raised animals/wild-caught salmon

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7. Limiting the consumption of refined products to accelerate the wieght loss process

Consumption of refined products like: bread, pasta, rice, cookies, candy etc. should be limited, and can greatly accelerate the weight loss process.
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 15

Eat whole foods. The simple fact is that most of the food we find in supermarkets today contains refined products. These products are usually high in sugar and other harmful substances that can lead to weight gain and make it difficult to lose weight.

Replace refined grains with whole grains whenever possible. Replacing refined grains with whole grains is likely one of the simplest ways to accelerate weight loss.

Full of calories and high glycemic index, white bread, biscuits, and most pastry and confectionery products should be kept at a distance if you do not want to sabotage your weight loss plan.

Refined carbohydrates are not your friends – You must limit white breads, pastas and rice in order to limit the amount of sugar your body gets. Sugar is one of the biggest reasons people gain weight.

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8. Make a daily exercise program if you want to lose weight faster

Daily exercise is an important part of any weight loss plan. You need to get your body moving to lose weight and keep it off, but you can have fun while doing it!
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 16

Whether you like it or not, you have to know that without physical exercise it is not possible. No matter how much you eat, without moving, you end up not losing weight. You reach a blocking point from which it is difficult to restart.

So, mobilize yourself and start moving: walking, running, climbing stairs, dancing, exercising with body weight etc. Whatever you choose, it will keep your body burning at a good level and will help you reach your weight loss goal.

The minimum required for health and long-term support for a weight loss diet, without getting stuck, is 200 calories/ day burnt or consumed by movement.

Start easily, without efforts, to make you lose your motivation, progress gradually so that you get to do as much movement daily. You will feel extraordinary, and the results will be tailor-made.

Find below examples of workouts performed only with body weight to use in your weight loss journey:

• Cardio HERE, and HERE

• Arms and Upper Body HERE, HERE and HERE

• Legs and Butt HERE, HERE, and HERE

• Full Body HERE, HERE, and HERE

• Abs HERE, HERE, and HERE, Stretching HERE, performed at the end of the training when the body is warmed up very well.

Click to Learn about a professional System That Helps You Increase Your Strength, Flexibility, and Stability

9. Proper hydration – an important key in the weight loss process

Proper hydration is one of the most overlooked keys in weight loss. To get and stay healthy, you must keep your body well hydrated.
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 17

Our body contains 70% water, so hydration is an essential component of our diet, whether we are on a diet or not. Consume 2-3 liters of water per day, as it supports detoxification processes in the body.

First, proper hydration is an important key in the weight loss process. If you are not drinking enough water, your body will hold onto it, causing bloating. Not only that but when you are dehydrated your metabolism slows down, which makes weight loss more challenging.

Next, when you start reducing carbs from your diet and begin to feel hungry because of it, don’t ignore these feelings. Instead, drink more water. Water will help fill you up and get rid of the hunger so you won’t eat as much. It does work!

In addition to drinking more water, try eating more foods that have high water content such as fruits and vegetables. They can make a great snack because they help keep you hydrated and take longer to digest than most foods.

A minimum of eight glasses of water a day is required for the body to function properly, and an additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight. Drinking water helps in flushing out toxins from the body, which can aid in losing weight.

Hydration plays an essential role in the weight loss process, so hydrate yourself properly, but not with sweet and hyper-caloric drinks, but with energizing fruit smoothies in the first part of the day and before workouts, water, and unsweetened teas for the rest of the day.

10. Planning and monitoring your weight loss progress

Planning and monitoring your weight loss progress
The 10 Key Principles of Healthy Weight Loss 18

Like any major project, the success of your weight management program depends on careful planning and attention on details. 

Here is a minimum of planning activities that lead you to the ideal weight:

• Plan your meals for the next day, the day before.

• Buy a kitchen scale and use it until you can properly evaluate the quantities and portions of the food.

• Make a complete shopping list that also includes the stores you buy from and make sure you always have the right food at hand.

• Keep a Food Journal, as it has been shown that people who daily record everything they eat, do better than those who do not. If you are a person who refuses to make the effort, chances are you need it the most in your weight loss journey.

You may find it helpful to use a journal or an app to keep track of what you eat when you eat it, and how much. If you notice certain triggers that affect your eating habits—for example, if you tend to overeat when you eat late at night while watching TV—you can take steps to change those behaviors.

There are many tools available today that help with weight loss. Some are more effective than others.

What will be the end result of applying these 10 principles to help you lose weight?

• Reducing body weight and shaping the figure

• Endurance, freshness, well-being

• Detoxification, elimination of toxic residues from the body

• Improving digestion, restoring intestinal functions

• A better disposition, a state of gratitude

• Regaining an attractive appearance

• Regaining self-confidence

A healthy diet and regular physical exercise not only improve your physical appearance and health but also give you the energy to cope with daily stress.

Final Thoughts:

So, here are my final thoughts for healthy weight loss:

Set a goal.

Make a plan for reaching your goal, including a sensible diet and exercise program.

Seek social support.

Plan to cope with setbacks and obstacles.

Don’t compare yourself to others as you lose weight, and don’t judge yourself harshly if you don’t meet your goals right away. Remember that no one achieves anything great without facing challenges and difficulties along the way.

Reward yourself when you reach interim goals, but not with food! Instead, choose non-food rewards such as new clothes to fit your new shape or a massage to celebrate how great you feel as you lose weight.

Avoid going on fad diets that promise rapid weight loss or recommend severe calorie restriction or bizarre food combinations. These often result in short-term weight loss, but they do not lead to long-term weight loss maintenance or health benefits overall, and may even be harmful to your health by causing nutrient deficiencies and disordered eating habits.

Fad diets are difficult to maintain over the long term and often lead to yo-yo dieting, which can result in serious health problems such as metabolic damage which makes it harder for your

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